The life of one yeshiva boy is worth more than the lives of 1,000 Arabs, Mordechai Eliyahu
The Arabs witnessed the ultimate betrayal, James Abourezk
Louisiana Senator Huey Long was poised to win the 1936 presidential election but a Jew assassinated him
We were told was that when someone argued against Israel, not to address the argument, but, instead, to accuse the person of antisemitism, Donna Nevel
With virtually the entire U.S. press corps acting as Israel's propaganda machine in America, James Abourezk
The only thing likely to ensure our survival may be a nuclear first strike of our own, Sam Harris
Shmuel Lahis shot all remaining men in a Lebanese village and then blew up the house to make a mass grave
Only Death Penalty Will Deter Jews From Gratuitous Killing of Arabs
Israel is among worst human traffickers