The ADL was founded with the central goal of preventing a rapist and killer from being held legally accountable, Ron Unz
Let us sterilize all Germans and wars of world domination will come to an end, Theodore N. Kaufman
These Rabbis condone all sorts of iniquitous business dealings with Gentiles, Rabbi Yosef Y. Schneersohn
Ever chastised, ever innocent - this is the burden of being a Jew, Norman Finkelstein
Oppenheimer's only regret was they didn't develop the bomb in time to use it against the Germans
Jews regularly identify belief in social justice as the second most important factor in their Jewish identity, Stephen Steinlight
There are Jews and then there are non-Jews, who don’t have souls, Debra Nussbaum Cohen
It is rarely in the histories of the Jews, that expressed resentment and indictments against the Jews were not entirely fictitious libels, Norman Cantor
Iceland gets a rabbi