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Till at length you [Jews] became richer than we ourselves, even when you were our enemies; and you made preparations for war against us with our own money; nay, after all, when you were in the enjoyment of all these advantages, you turned your too great plenty against those that gave it you, and, like merciless serpents, have thrown out your poison against those that treated you kindly. [… We] gave you time for repentance; which instance of humanity you took for an argument of his weakness, and nourished up your impudence by our mildness. […] such indeed as became none but so wicked a people as you are.

Till at length you [Jews] became richer than we ourselves, even when you were our enemies; and you made preparations for war against us with our own money; nay, after all, when you were in the enjoyment of all these advantages, you turned your too great plenty against those that gave it you, and, like merciless serpents, have thrown out your poison against those that treated you kindly. [… We] gave you time for repentance; which instance of humanity you took for an argument of his weakness, and nourished up your impudence by our mildness. […] such indeed as became none but so wicked a people as you are.

Titus (Roman Emperor) after capturing Jerusalem and destroying the Second Temple quoted in “The Wars of the Jews” by Flavius Josephus, ~75 AD