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Why do Charles DeGaulle, Dwight Eisenhower and Winston Churchill never mention the holocaust in any of their memoirs?

For those explaining why Churchill did not mention the Holocaust in his account of WW2, you fail to mention that It wasn’t just Churchill.

The three main history books written in the first decade after the war were by Churchill (The Second World War) De Gaulle (Memoires De Geurre) and Eisenhower (Crusade in Europe) . Between them they contain over 7000 pages (excluding forewards indexes etc). Not one of these history books mentions one word about the suffering of Jewish people or the Holocaust.

These three books were published between 1948 and 1959.

Surely these three men, if anyone, would have known fully all the details and it would certainly have been in their interest to record those details for all to see, so why didn’t they?

Any secrecy surrounding the enigma codes after the war (which one commenter gives as a reason) would not have been impacted in any way, by the exposure of the existence of concentration camps by these three authors, in the years after the war.

The comment below saying, that those who say they suffered these terrible things, were jointly so traumatised that they forgot all about it until later - is to say the least, far-fetched and seems an exercise in grasping at straws, in order to explain the inexplicable.
