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Anyone in these threads that doesn’t side with Palestine is Israeli intelligence. The ‘not my problem’ and “who cares” replies are either zionist shills or moronic convservatives that need to shut the fuck up. Direct public support for Palestine is in the interests of Whites and there is NO downside. There is no outcome where Whites benefit from expanding Israel. As Israel grows stronger, the West becomes weaker. This is a direct correlation. All the refugee’s will be sent to Europe BY ISRAEL, and the ZOG run governments will take them in. Then the ZOG system teaches these refugee’s hatred of Whites and blames Whites for what Israel does. Palestinians aren’t allowed to go home because Israel wont let them. A one-state solution is the best outcome for Whites. Palestinians and other refugees will return to Palestine, Israel will lose influence and power, and ZOG will spend more time trying to fix the mess than genocide Whites.

Anti-Israel and pro-Palestine is in the defacto interests of Whites, and no zionist supremacist can argue differently. Don’t give in to their ‘racist permission slip’. Modern Islamism is a kosher creation, let them reap what they sow. Palestinians are being genocided and it’s morally imperative for them to fight back, and it is in White interests for them to do so. A strong Palestine is in White interests, and a NatSoc Europe is in Palestinian interests. Let us all work together against our global zionist oppressor.