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While all Peoples are unique, some are more special than others. […] Jews are the only People based on an assignment. And their Divinely ordained task is to be exemplary to all of humanity. To be G^d’s ambassadors on earth, fighting for the good of everyone. That means that when one says that Jews are just like everyone else, you’re a bigot. You don’t need to look down on Jews to be Antisemitic. […] When Jews say they want to be everyone’s friends and allies, that’s nice. But Gentiles better also give them respect as their teachers. Totally equalizing them is demeaning them and arrogant.

While all Peoples are unique, some are more special than others. […] Jews are the only People based on an assignment. And their Divinely ordained task is to be exemplary to all of humanity. To be G^d’s ambassadors on earth, fighting for the good of everyone. That means that when one says that Jews are just like everyone else, you’re a bigot. You don’t need to look down on Jews to be Antisemitic. […] When Jews say they want to be everyone’s friends and allies, that’s nice. But Gentiles better also give them respect as their teachers. Totally equalizing them is demeaning them and arrogant.

Moshe-Mordechai van Zuiden (Jewish author) “To dislike certain ethnicities is racist; to see Jews as equal is antisemitic”, The Times of Israel (The Blogs), 2022