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In 1791, Mayer Rothchild stated: “Allow me to issue and control a nation’s currency, and I care not who writes the laws.” (Stormer, John A., The Death of a Nation, pp180)

‘Thomas Jefferson well understood the ills associated with the instituting of a central bank; whereas, he repeatedly warned Americans about the detriment keenly associated with such fiscal relinquishments. In 1815 he stated: “The dominion which the banking institutions have obtained over the minds of our citizens must be broken, or it will break us.” (Stormer, John A., The Death of a Nation, pp 180) In 1791 the U.S. National debt was at $75 million, (in 1835 our National debr was resolved, and the treasury enjoyed a surplus of $5,000 under President Andrew Jackson) today the national debt increases by $75 million on an hourly basis. (pp 181)

The event that most likely sparked the fire that later culminated in a cowardly attempt on President Andrew Jackson’s life (1835) occurred at a delegation of bankers in 1832, at which he addressed those in attendance: “Gentleman, I have had men watching you for a long time, and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the bread-stuffs of the country.

The Minds of Men: An American Intelligence Brief Eric Sanders, 2014