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Fun Fact:

Nuclear weaponry was pioneered by Jews, from design, to advocacy for proliferation, largely for the purpose of defeating anti-Semitic and fascist-aligned regimes.

Albert Einstein

Widely acknowledged as one of te time. Along wit Stara Wigner, Tel lars tne American government

J. Robert Oppenheimer | The wartime head of the Los Alamos Laboratory, F % where he is credited as “The Father of the Atomic Bomb” for his role in the Manhattan Project, the Dy World War Il undertaking that developed the first 1904 - 1967 nuclear weapons.

Edward Teller Lise Meitner Known as “The Fabher of the Hydrogen Bomb” Praised by Albert Einsbein as the “German Marie for the Teller-Ulam design (in collaboration with =] ‘Curie’. Greatly contributed to the discovery of ? | A tthe element probactinium and nuclear fission. The principle of fission led to the development 1908-2003 1878-1968 of the atomic bomb in World War IL

‘Stanislaw Ulam, who was also Jewish.)

‘A member of the Manhattan Project, who eventually became ‘one ofthe strongest and best known advocates for

Investigating non-miltary uses of nuctear explosives.

Obto Robert Frisch

Eugene Wigner

Played a major role in agitating for the Manhattan Project from 1939 bo 1940. From 1942 to 1945, he ‘worked on the Manhattan Project at the University of Chicago.

‘The nephew of Lise Meitner, with whom he advanced the tirst theoretical explanation of nuclear fission (a berm he

y Jn 1940. He was also involved with the Manhattan Project ‘and conducted research in the Los Alamos Laboratory.

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Rudolf Peirels

Leo Szilard

Conceived the nuclear chain reaction in 1933, patented the idea of a nuclear fission reactor in 1934, and in late 1939 wrote the letter for Alber’: i Einstein’s signabure that resulted in the 1898 - 1964 Manhattan Project.

A British physicist who played a major role in both Tube Alloys, Britain’s nuclear weapon program, and t. the subsequent: Manhattan Praject.

Lewis Strauss Enrico Fermi hen A major figure in the development of nuclear ¢ ‘An Italian physicist and the creator of the world’s weapons and US nuclear policy. A strong g firsb nuclear reactor. He has been called the

proponent of developing the hydrogen bomb, he emphasized the need to stay ahead of USSR 1096 - 1974 atomic development.

“architect of the nuclear age” and the “architect of the atomic bomb” due to his 1901-1954 incredible contributions to nuclear science.

Largely based on an article in The Jewish Daily Forward. While Fermi himself was not Jewish, he fled Ibaly in 1938 bo protect his Jewish wife, Laura Capon.

Many more Jews have made countless contributions bo the field of nuclear research. You can learn about more Jewish contributions, and find sources for the information on this InfoTable, at-
