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Inthe 1920s and 1930s, an elite clique ofhomosexual Marxists called the Cambridge Apostles were very powerful. This group under the leadership of Anthony Blunt was determined to take control of all the major institutions, especially the churches, the mass media, the cinema, the universities, the museums, and the government cultural agencies. It has been discovered how Blunt placed his friends, both Marxists and homosexuals, in some of the most important cultural agencies in the western world. Furthermore, some of the former Communists in the United States have confessed that, in the 1930s, more than a thousand communists were encouraged to enter Catholic seminaries. One of them, Bella Dodd, testified: “In the 1930s, we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within.”

This discovery (which corroborates our earlier assertions) explains some of the seeming riddles in the scandal in the church in North America and Europe. One widely respected but now deceased prelate, probably a product of this clique, used its method in creating a network of gay or homosexual men and pedophiles whose legacies are rocking the Church today. This prelate, who was a aided and empowered dissenters while he hypocritically professed his loyalty to Rome. He was the brain behind the proposals to deconstruct the Catholic Church’s liturgy, education, and especially religious education or catechetics, especially in the United States. With his exalted position in his country, he influenced the selection of bishops (some of whom are still in power) who would condone and promote pedophilia and homosexual lifestyle in the church. These menand their group have made far-reaching contributions to causing

enter at heart,

and escalating sex-abuse scandals and other confusions in the church

in North America”

We can see further how the infiltration or rather inroad of enemies into the priesthood and other Catholic Church’s institutions was masterminded and executed by two of its greatest enemies, namely Marxist communists and Freemasonry. Despite the Church’s condemnations of Freemasonry in the 1950s and especially the 1960s,