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background, Currie had been personal assistant to Franklin Roosevelt during the Second World War. Currie, Hiss, White, and Coe enjoyed direct Presidential immunity from exposure of their Communist treason.

Currie and White were monetary experts, bent on wrecking the last free economy of the world, the American free enterprise economy. The reader may well wonder how international banking has been so closely tied up with Communism, which advertises itself as the enemy of bankers. Actually, Communism is the last reaction of an outmoded system of gold standard banking, financed and politically aided by those bankers, to the extent that when the German armies threatened this institution of Communism, the American nation was sent out to save Communism from extinction, by the great crusader, Franklin D. Roosevelt.

‘The American people have assumed the burden of hundreds of billions of dollars of debt simply because we let a handful of enemy aliens take over our monetary system. The three most important architects of our present monetary system are almost completely unknown to the average American citizen, Who pays a heavy annual rate of taxation because of their machinations.

They are Paul Warburg, the German Jew who wrote the Federal Reserve Act, Emmanuel Goldenweiser, the Russian Jew who supervised the details of Federal Reserve Board operations through its first thirty years, and Harry Dexter White, son of Lithuanian Jews, Who set up the International Monetary Fund, Paul Warburg was one of the financiers of the Communist revolution in Russia, and Harry Dexter White was a key man in the Communist conspiracy here in America,

The Federal Reserve Conspiracy by Eustace Mullins, 2022