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The Times of Israel No Such Thing As A “White European” Ashkenazi Jew

The Times of Israel Yes, Ashkenazi Jews (Including Gal Gadot) Are People of Color

Forward No, Ashkenazi Jews Are Not ‘Functionally White’

The Times of Israel Ashkenazi Jews are not white - Response to Haaretz article I would like to say loud and clear: Ashkenazi Jews are not white.

Jewish Journal We’re Jews, We’re Not White, We Define Ourselves

Haaretz DNA Links Prove Jews Are a ‘Race,’ Says Genetics Expert Conjuring fear of Nazism and anti-Semitism, Jews recoil from the thought that Judaism might be a race, but medical geneticist Harry Ostrer insists the ‘biological basis of Jewishness’ cannot be ignored.

The Guardian What does it mean to be genetically Jewish? When my parents sent their saliva away to a genetic testing company late last year and were informed via email a few weeks later that they are both “100% Ashkenazi Jewish”, it struck me a …

Forward Jews Are a ‘Race,’ Genes Reveal

Haaretz U.S. Court Rules Jews Are Protected ‘Race’ Under Civil Rights Act of 1964 Subtitle: There is no doubt, however, that many people have and continue to view being Jewish as a racial identity.

Gene Cluster Analysis chart Principle Component Analysis charts Graph showing different genetic clusters with Ashkenazi Jews positioned between Middle Eastern and European populations.

Chart showing genetic overlap between various populations, including Arabs and Jews, Sub-Saharan Africans, North Africans, and Europeans.