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What can we say about former Krematorium III Sonderkommando member David Olère (Jewish) coolly telling me in 1981 that the SS made sausages of human flesh [“ Kremawurst”], except that he was still living in the nightmare that had been imposed on him and recounted anything that came into his head, whereas I held in my hands his own drawings of 1945-47 which are masterpieces of authenticity.

What can we say about former Krematorium III Sonderkommando member David Olère (Jewish) coolly telling me in 1981 that the SS made sausages of human flesh [“ Kremawurst”], except that he was still living in the nightmare that had been imposed on him and recounted anything that came into his head, whereas I held in my hands his own drawings of 1945-47 which are masterpieces of authenticity.

Jean-Claude Pressac (French author) “Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers”, 1989