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Hamas are not my friends, I don’t like what they do, But they’ve been doing not much. […] Starting in November 2005, an agreement was reached between Israel and the Palestinian Authority then, not Hamas. Israel completely rejected it, and Hamas lived up to it — not a single rocket. Then came the January election and Israel intensified its attack with US support. After that, there are repeated attacks, Israeli attacks, and ceasefire agreements. Every ceasefire agreement is approximately like what I’ve read. What happens is, Israel completely dismisses and disregards it, and maintains the siege in violation of the ceasefire, increases the violence, Hamas lives up to it, and Israel officially accepts that, until some escalation of Israeli violence leads to a Hamas reaction, and then another episode of mowing the lawn.

Hamas are not my friends, I don’t like what they do, But they’ve been doing not much. […] Starting in November 2005, an agreement was reached between Israel and the Palestinian Authority then, not Hamas. Israel completely rejected it, and Hamas lived up to it — not a single rocket. Then came the January election and Israel intensified its attack with US support. After that, there are repeated attacks, Israeli attacks, and ceasefire agreements. Every ceasefire agreement is apptroximately like what I’ve read. What happens is, Israel completely dismisses and disregards it, and maintains the siege in violation of the ceasefire, increases the violence, Hamas lives up to it, and Israel officially accepts that, until some escalation of Israeli violence leads to a Hamas reaction, and then another episode of “mowing the lawn”.

Noam Chomsky (Jewish professor) in a lecture in 2015