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Modern feminism, especially in America, was largely pioneered, influenced, and led by Jewish women.

, . . q Betty Friedan , Author of “The Feminine Mystique”, the book credited with sparking the “second Aa wave” of American feminism.

1921 2006 Robin Morgan ‘Author and activist who has been a key leader i the international fem’- fist movement since the 1960s. Her anthology “Sisterhood is Powerful Ie Credited with helping start the con-

“ea temporary US feminist movement

ff Beate Sirota Gordon @ Ausan-bom Amerlean perfoming eee, doeateUndor Goneta Douglas Macht hut, wos high involved n wing sin tenis tat pec Wi’conettuton. Tey are somo ot

922-2012 the most progressive in the ward Dorothy nerstein Se 2226 coor the Merman he inca

Drawing rom slements of paychosnlyis

<S pioneered by Sigmund Frou! and Melanie

lan who wore sea both Jews), Diner.

‘sth recognizes the rote of patarchy in ‘womans monopoly an child-bearing

f Gerda Lerner Hitrian and women’s history author. & ‘Gunderof the seasemie he of women’s histor. n 963, whle stil an undergrad at the New Sehodl for Soctl Reseach. she “aught “Great Women In American Fistry’sconedered tobe the fet ‘regu college course on women’s

1920 - 2013, Tistory offered anywhere

Largely sourced from the Jewish Women’s Archive ( Head over to their website learn more at

1934 =

1959 -



Gloria Steinem Activist; became recognized as 3 leader and spokesperson for the American feminist move- iment in the 1960s and 70s,

Heather Booth

Activist who, before abortion was legalized, ran an under- ground abortion service called “The Jane Collective”

Susan Falud! “Journalist and author. Won a Pultzor Brite for Explanatory tourism n

  1. Wrote many atieies about f rism and the apparent resletanes fo the movement snd.a 1901 book tc Backlash The Undeclared War Against ‘Amarican Women

Phyllis Chesler

Writer and psychotherapist known asa “feminist psychologist”. Author of 18 books, mostly con- cerning feminism, gender, and other social issues,

Miriam Schapiro Ast who was one of the foremost pioneers of the feminist art move-

ment. Invented “femmage”, collages

Created from objects made of cherished by women In the 1970s.

Andrea Dworkin Radical feminist activist and writer. Described a “male supremacist” ideology manifesting in sexual violence and prostitution.

® Susan Sontag Writer maker, educator. and Sctivt: Created several widely tnown snd greatly renowned works, Became a fole model for many feminists and asprning fem ist writers the 1960s and 70s

Erica Jong Wier most famous fr her 1978 novel Fear Of Flying” whieh fallows a fsteperson female protagonst who decides so nclge in extramoral sox fantasies while of tp to Vienna sold “ver 20 millon copies, snd became an

1942 -

Theresa Malkiel Founded International Women’s Day in 1909, which is celebrated globally each year ‘on March 8 “74-049

(g@@ Judy Chicago

Feminist educator whote collabora tive art installations examine the role

cof women as creators of life. Founded

the frst feminist art program in the US

A) 3 caltornia Stato University Fresno in

1939 the 19705

Shulamith Firestone Radical feminist writer and activist. Central figure in early radical feminism and “second wave” feminism,



Meredith Tax

Writer and activist regarded as a pioneer of the American feminist movement. Her 1970 article ‘Woman and het Mind: The Story of Daily Life” is considered one of the founding documents of the feminist movement of that era

. Elizabeth Wurtzel Writer and bestselling author who wrote “Bitch: In Praise Of Difficult Women”, a prominent feminist mani- festo praising women who she believes stood up for themselves in a male-dominated wort

“1967 ~ 2020

Blu Greenberg = Writer who specializes in Judaism and women’s rights. Known for her work to bridge

Judaism and feminism, 1936 -

Arlene Raven Feminist art historian, author, iti, Fe GAB educator, and curator. A major figure in the Feminist Art Movement Co-founded numerous feminist at organizations in the 1970s

194 - 2008

Ellen Willis Wirlter and activist: a member of New York Radical Women, Co-founded the radical feminist ‘group, “Redstockings”, with

Seer s0ds _shulamith Firestone in 1969,

1922 ~ 2007

Grace Paley Short story author, poet, teacher. and activist. Wrote thres crtcaly acclaimed collections of short sto- Ties, compiled in the Pulitzer Prize ‘and National Book Award finals The Collected Stories” 1994

Susan Brownmiller Wiiter and activist best known for her 1975 book “Against Our Wil: Mon ‘Women, and Rape", which was selected by The tew York Puble bray as one of ‘the 100 most mportant books ofthe

“028 “20th century.

Gloria Allred

Women’s rights attorney known for

taking high-profile, often controver-

sal eases, particularly those invalv-

ing the protection of women’s rights.

Inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame.

1941 =

Héléne Cixous

French feminist writer and professor beet ineutn for her artele “The Laugh of ‘he early thinkers n post-structura frie B atic as teropsan unvrsty athe Un ‘versity of Pats VII 1978

1937 -

1962 -

1920 -


1950 - 2015,

Naomi Wolf

Prominent feminist author andi jour- hallst: authored “The Beauty Myth’ in 1991, a highly influential feminist ook discussing how beauty standards are Used to oppress women in new ways,

Eve Ensler

Activist, playwright. and

Best known for het pay

Monologues”, which Charles Isher~

wood of the New York Times called

‘Probably the most important plece of poltcaltheater nthe ak

erformer. he Vagina

Judith Butler Philosopher and gender theorist whose work has been highly influential on third wave feminism and queer theory.

Bella Abzug

American congresswoman, lawyer, and leader in the feminist movement. Known as a leading figure in “eco-feminism”

Chantal Akerman Belgian fim director and substantially Influential feminist igure who lrect- ed “Jeanne Dieiman, 23 Qual di Com- merce, 1080 Bruvelles”, considered to be one of the greatest examples of feminist fim making
