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One of the things I’m most irate about is that I have reason to believe, in the CIA, the nights we were out there till midnight, every night putting this presentation [regarding Iraqi weapons of mass destruction] together, trying to make it airtight, there were people in the room who knew that burn notices [unreliable sources] had gone out on some of these sources, and that was not raised to me.

One of the things I’m most irate about is that I have reason to believe, in the CIA, the nights we were out there till midnight, every night putting this presentation [regarding Iraqi weapons of mass destruction] together, trying to make it airtight, there were people in the room who knew that burn notices [unreliable sources] had gone out on some of these sources, and that was not raised to me.

Colin Powell (US Secretary of State) in an interview with “Meet the Press” (NBC), 2007 (The presentation was based on false information and played a significant role in justifying the Iraq War)