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Is God an antisemite? Since there is no good reason not to like us, is God’s disfavor toward the Jews something akin to the United Nations or the European Union, which just despise us irrationally? […] I don’t understand why the world hates Jews. But my job is not to understand but to fight, to explain, to debate, and to win. My job is to be an Israelite, “he who wrestles with God.”

Is God an antisemite? - opinion

Since there is no good reason not to like us, is God’s disfavor toward the Jews something akin to the United Nations or the European Union, which just despise us irrationally?

I don’t understand why the world hates Jews. But my job is not to understand but to fight, to explain, to debate, and to win. My job is to be an Israelite, “he who wrestles with God.”

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach “Is God an antisemite? - opinion”, The Jersualem Post, 2024