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Their entire program relies on getting the goy to make bad decisions. The goy live in a high trust mindset. As long as the goy are receiving signals from other goy, they will believe it all. The moment those signals are no longer coming from goy, but from an alien, those same signals become hostile. Jews know this. They MUST try to pass as White in order to convince the goy to eat the bugs, abort their babies, and use fiat in place of money. This is why they spend so much time telling us that they’re White. When they speak among themselves they are not White. 99% of Whites will never look into this. However, once it’s spotted it’s impossible to unsee. Jews require Whiteness to be their skinsuit in order to play out their narrative. Naming them makes everyone aware that they are a hostile and alien tribe. There Is truly nothing more powerful than naming them. Because it interrupts everything they’re doing. ALWAYS name the Jew.