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Man of the distant future will be a hybrid. Today’s races and castes will fall victim [22] to the growing defeat of space, time and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, outwardly similar to the ancient Egyptian, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals For, according to the laws of heredity, difference increases with the dissimilarity of ancestors, and the monotony of offspring increases with the uniformity of ancestors. In inbred families, one child is like another, because they all represent one common family type. In mixed families, the children differ strongly from each other: each forms a new type of variation of divergent parental and ancestral elements. Inbreeding creates characteristic types — interbreeding creates original personalities

The thing that primarily separates the Jews from the average city dweller is that they are an inbred people. Strength of character combined with mental acuity predestines the Jews, in their most outstanding specimens, to be the leaders of urban humanity, to be false as well as genuine spiritual aristocrats, and to be protagonists of both capitalism and revolution.

The struggle between capitalism and communism over the legacy of the defeated hereditary nobility is a fratricidal war within the victorious intellectual nobility, a fight between the individualistic and the socialistic, the egoistic and the altruistic, the pagan and the Christian spirit. The general staff of both parties is recruited from the intellectual leader-race in Europe: the Jews.

The primary supports of both the corrupt and the upright intellectual nobility — of capitalism, journalism and the literary profession — are Jews* 70 . The superiority of their spirit predestines them to be a major factor in the future nobility.