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Meet a few of the Jews whose vital work has shaped our societies’ acceptance and understanding of LGBT+ sexuality.

Magnus Hirschfeld German sexologist known as one Of fist pioneers of transgender rights. Coined the term “trans- Vesti. Founded the Institute for Sexual Research to explore

the science of sexual, bulding

(on his previous campaigns for 1865 - 1935 science-backed LGBT tolerance.

George Weinberg

‘American psychologist. Coined the term “homophobia” in the 1960s. Leader in the successful struggle to have homosexuality removed as a diagnostic cate- y gory from the DSM, the profes- sional therapeutic handbook.

Frank Kameny LGBT rights activist often referred to as “one of the most significant figures" in the American gay rights movement. Filed the first known Civil rights claim based on sexual crientation pursued in a US court ‘and became the first openly gay

‘candidate for US Congress.

Brenda Howard

‘American butch lesbian, trans-

gender rights activist and fst LGBT price march in 1970, author. Her writing laid the groundwork for much of the ter-

Howard said of hese “The next te

minology and awareness around gender studies, and was instru-

‘mental in bringing these issues 1949 - 2011

toa mainstream audience.

Joel Simkhai

Jazz Jennings

American YouTube personality, spokesmodel, and LGBT rights

Israell-American tech entrepreneur Founder and former CEO of Grind, a social networking and dating app for LGBT people. ithas become the

Raffi Freedman-Gurspan Harvey Milk

‘American transgender rights

Gayle Rubin

The first openly gay elected of- American cultural anthropologist. Pee ne sTorerhy ficial inthe history of Calfoma best known as an activist and activist. Notable for being one transgender White House BT polities BF argest and most popular gay of the youngest publicly docu- staffer. Named senior White

i ‘obile app In the works mented people to identify as if ) transgender. ‘Sinha! s homosexual, and has two

1976 -

‘brothers, who are also both gay.

8 p10-LGBT politician in America . . Aree eee Her 1984 essay “Thinking Sex" is about his sexuality until after his

Widely regarded as a founding text eecatoncariatte inca of gay and lesbian studies, 1930 - 1978 counterculture movements.

theorist of sex and gender politics House LGBT liason in 2016.

sexuality studies, and queer theory.

Countless other Jews have made incredible contributions to LGBTQIA+ activism, culture, and more.

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