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In a word, in all spheres of public life, the Jews are a sinister force directed against the Russian people and the existing order of things, a force against which, in the eyes of the people, neither individual citizens nor the state can prevail. This may be the root of the conviction which has taken hold in the public mind, that the authorities, unable to deal with them in other ways, have permitted the despoiling of the Jews.

In a word, in all spheres of public life, the Jews are a sinister force directed against the Russian people and the existing order of things, a force against which, in the eyes of the people, neither individual citizens nor the state can prevail. This may be the root of the conviction which has taken hold in the public mind, that the authorities, unable to deal with them in other ways, have permitted the despoiling of the Jews.

Hans Rogger (Jewish historian) “Government, Jews, peasants, and land in post-emancipation Russia”, 1976 quoted from “Die Jahre 1881-1882 in der Geschichte der russischen Juden” by Mina Goldberg, 1934