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What you write about the Yids is quite correct. They fill everything up, they undermine everything, and they embody the spirit of the century. They are at the root of the revolutionary-social movement and regicide. They control the periodical press, the financial markets are in their hands, the popular masses fall into financial slavery to them, they guide the principles of present-day science, seeking to place it outside Christianity. And besides this, no sooner does a question about them arise then a chorus of voices speaks out for them in the name of ‘civilization’ or ’toleration’ (by which is meant indifference to faith). As in Romania and Serbia, as with us—nobody dares say a word about the Jews taking over everything. Even our press is become Jewish. Russkaya pravda, Moskva, Golos, if you please—are all Jewish organs.

What you write about the Yids (Jews) is quite correct. They fill everything up, they undermine everything, and they embody the spirit of the century. They are at the root of the revolutionary-social movement and regicide. They control the periodical press, the financial markets are in their hands, the popular masses fall into financial slavery to them, they guide the principles of present-day science, seeking to place it outside Christianity. And besides this, no sooner does a question about them arise then a chorus of voices speaks out for them in the name of ‘civilization’ or ’toleration’ (by which is meant indifference to faith). As in Romania and Serbia, as with us—nobody dares say a word about the Jews taking over everything. Even our press is become Jewish. Russkaya pravda, Moskva, Golos, if you please—are all Jewish organs.

Konstantin Pobedonostsev (Russian statesman) Letter to Fedor Dostoevsky, August 1879 quoted in “The Position of the Jews in the Tsarist Empire, 1881–1905” by Antony Polonsky