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Modern American libertarianism was largely pioneered by Jews

Ludwig Von Mises {,” “) Murray Rothbard

Often considered a major figure in Founder and leading theoretician the revival of classical liberalism, of anarcho-capitalism. eR Peace eo Central figure in the 20th century

1881 - 1973 20th century libertarianism.

1926-1995 American libertarian movement.

Milton Friedman

Advisor to Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher who extolled the values of a free market system with

minimal government intervention

| 4 Ayn Rand \

\ Developer of the philosophical system “Objectivism”. Wrote several books espousing her ideas. Promoted laissez-faire capitalism, individual and

1905 - 1982 property rights, and related sentiments. 1912 - 2006 in private matters.

Although opposed to the overall concept of libertari- pdvoce ted ajc luntee ti military treet yios ung) anism herself, her character and ideas are generally CXGTEREO Leto eleelliltein Gi (inseleet MENS, @ associated with the modern libertarian movement. negative income tax, and more. Won the Nobel

Prize for Economics in 1976.

Walter Block

An Austrian School economist and prominent anarcho-capitalist theorist.

Best known for his 1976 book, “Defending the Undefendable”, in which he takes contrarian positions on illegal acts which he believes are victimless, or would actually benefit the public.

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