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Lester Grinspoon

‘Author of “Marihuana Reconsidered” and hundreds of other scholarly works advo- cating for the utlity of medicinal canna- bie

FAD, P2312 pha rien acvancng bin DP narjuana potoy and NORM. (Natonal “4 Organization for the Reform of Marijuana


Laws), @ prominent DC nonprofit that ad-

1928 - 2020 vo«ates for cannabis iaw reform.

Peter Benjamin Lewis Businessman who was the chairman of Progressive Insurance Company.

Primary funder of The Marijuana Policy Project, the largest organi-

zation working solely on marijuana policy reform in America, and its Various ballot initiatives,

1933 - 2013

Raphael Mechoulam An Israeli scientist who was the first to isolate and achieve total synthesis of THC, the active element in cannabis that generates a high.

George Zimmer Businessman who founded Men’s

Warehouse and worked with other | endeavors inthe clothing industry,

Ly 4 His experience caring for his mother who died of cancer led him

to support research and legaliza- tion of drugs such as cannabis for medical use.

George Soros

Billionaire investor and philan- thropist who has donated millions of dollars to drug reforms through his Open Society Foun-

dation. The largest recipient of these donations is Ethan Nadel- mann’s Drug Policy Alliance.

Ethan Nadelmann

Founder of the Drug Policy Alliance, ‘a non-profit organization working to end the war on drugs. The DPA’s ad: vocacy and political arm is referred to as “Drug Policy Action”. Described by Rolling stone as “The Griving force for the legalization of marijuana in America”

Meet a few of the Jews who played massive roles in the proliferation and legalization of marijuana.

Emmanuel Bronner

Busineseman who founded Or. Bronner’s Magic Soaps. Used product labels to promote his moral and religious ideas, {and belle in the goodness and unity of humanity.

Promoted the decriminalization of can- nabis and donated large sums of money to relevant causes. His soap brand con- tinues to support and advocate for these

1908 - 1997 causes today.

Adam Eidinger Businessman and cannabis rights activist known for his role in spearheading Initiative 71, which legalized cannabis in Washington, D.C. in 2015.

Three bills considered to be some of the most groundbreaking pieces of marijuana legislation were all primarily financed by Jews.

California Prop 215 (1996)

The first bill to legalize medical marijuana. Of the $2 million in funding it received, $15 million alone came from 6 megadonors. Out of that, $1175 million came from Jewish megadonors. Soros (S550K), Lewis (S500K), and the Zimmers ($125K)

Washington State Initiative 502 (2012)

Legalized recreational cannabis in the state

of Washington.

Of the $617 million in funding it received, at least $3.81 million came from Jewish

megadonor sources. Lew!

04M), Drug

Policy Action ($1,69M), and Bronner Soaps ($75K)

Donut charts display donation proportions out of one hundred percent. Blue portion represents known Jewish donations, from individuals or groups administered/tunde

  • Madison Margolin, in a 2017 article for The Times of Israel

Colorado Amendment 64 (2012)

Legalized recreational cannabis in the state of Colorado.

Of the $2 million in funding it received, around

A. came from Jewish sources. Mari-

Juana Policy Project ($1.23M), Drug Policy Alli

n ($185,000), Bronner Soaps

100), Lewis ($33,700)

“There are indeed many Jewish cannabis activists… Many of these activists propose that drug policy reform really does align with Jewish values like tikkun olam and standing up against oppression.”