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The war now proposed is for the purpose of establishing Jewish influence throughout the world.

The part of General Moseley’s address in which he referred particularly to the Jews follows:

“We must stand up and fight for our rights today. Especially must we fight the battle for peace at a time when the champions of war are powerful, yes, and encouraged in the very highest places of our Government. Once we butted in and fought a war to make the world safe for democracy. We did not accomplish our mission. The war now proposed is for the purpose of establishing Jewish hegemony throughout the world. We must recognize that fact. The Communists have forced us to state it frankly.

“Recently a speaker came to Atlanta and addressed the assembled Jews. I understand that other speakers are covering the nation with the same message. What was the gist of his remarks? He stated, in effect, that the influence of the Jews throughout the United States was being organized to force the present administration to compel Hitler to reinstate the refugees in Germany to their former status, even at the cost of war. The speaker added that they were much encouraged in their efforts by the President himself and the charming First Lady.

“In contemplating war today, we must remember that war costs money and that as a nation we are already ‘busted.’ Our former allies have not as yet paid us for what they owe us on the last war. Where, then, is the money coming from? History will have to repeat itself, and we will have to re-establish the Jew in power and borrow money from him. A partner of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., it must be remembered financed the Russian Revolution , and he was mighty proud of his achievement.

George Van Horn Moseley (US general) Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 1939