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Jonathan A. Greenblatt

March 19, 2018

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is one of America’s premier human relations and civil rights agencies and is dedicated in purpose and program to combating anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defending democratic ideals and protecting civil rights for all.

We write to offer three compelling reasons against the adoption of a ban on male circumcision.

ADL has studied the pervasiveness of anti-Semitic content on social media, and we know that a relatively small number of extremists are able to amplify their message quickly and broadly through social media. ADL regularly reports on such phenomena, and we will report on extremist praise for Iceland. We urge you to consider the significant media attention, in the U, and internationally, paid to ADL reports on extremism, In the past six months alone, our research and experts have been featured on CNN and other cable TV channels, NBC and other broadcast ‘‘V, on 60 Minutes, the most watched ‘V news magazine in America, and in leading newspapers, including The New York Times and The Washington Post.

Given that 28% of Iceland’ tourists came from North America in 2016, Iceland’s standing in the U.S. should be of great concern from an economic perspective, We are confident that the vast majority of American tourists will avoid a country whose reputation is associated with Nazism, even if that association is not justified.

Individually, any of these three arguments should convince you to oppose a ban on male circumcision, Collectively, they should compel you to make the right decision and oppose the proposed ban.