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It is obvious then that if the Jewish problem is ever to be solved, far more intelligent measures must be resorted to than those employed by the medievals. First we must cleanse the wound of the old putrefactions which keep it festering. The superstitions left over from the Dark Ages, the malignant associations of Jewry with Christ-killing and ritual-murder — these must be completely eradicated. At the same time all new sources of infection must be dammed. The virus of racialism, and the noxious legend of Jewish cabals — these must be immediately crushed, or they will aggravate the contamination. […] That in itself is an enormous task, and yet it is light compared with the rest that must be done. […] To accomplish this we must in a measure redeem the Jews and remake the Gentiles. That is what the Communists are trying to do in Russia.

It is obvious then that if the Jewish problem is ever to be solved, far more intelligent measures must be resorted to than those employed by the medievals. First we must cleanse the wound of the old putrefactions which keep it festering. The superstitions left over from the Dark Ages, the malignant associations of Jewry with Christ-killing and ritual-murder — these must be completely eradicated. At the same time all new sources of infection must be dammed. The virus of racialism, and the noxious legend of Jewish cabals — these must be immediately crushed, or they will aggravate the contamination. […] That in itself is an enormous task, and yet it is light compared with the rest that must be done. […] To accomplish this we must in a measure redeem the Jews and remake the Gentiles. That is what the Communists are trying to do in Russia.

Rabbi Lewis Browne How Odd of God, 1934