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few of the salient facts, The purpose, however, is not alone to explain Russia, but to throw a ‘warning light on conditions in the United States.

‘The Bolshevik Government, as it stood late this summer when the latest report was smuggled through to certain authorities, shows up the Jewish domination of the whole affair. It has changed very slightly since the beginning. We give only a few items to indicate the proportion, It must not be supposed that the non-Jewish members of the government are Russi.

Very few Russians have anything to say about their own country these days. The so-called “Dictatorship of the Proletatiat,” in which the proletariat has nothing whatever to say, is Russian ‘only in the sense that i is set up in Russia; it is not Russian in that it springs from oF includes the Russian people. It isthe international program of the Protocols, which might be “put over” ‘by a minority in any country, and which is being given a dress-rehearsal in Russia.

‘Table showing Jewish control of Russia Number of Number of Jewish

armanedig Tree SR Jewish Percentage “The Couneil ofthe

‘Commissaries of the People R m a8 “The Commissariat of War 43 33 16.1% ‘The Commissariat of i paar 16 1B 812% ‘The Commissariat of Py a aOR: Finance

‘The Commissariat of Justice 2 20 95.2% ‘The Commissariat of Public

Instruction ad : 2% ‘The Commissariat of Social

Assistance 8 g 100% ‘The Commissariat of Work 8 7 81.5% Delegates of the Bolshevik

Red Cross to Berlin, Vienna,

Varsovie, Bucharest, 8 8 100% Copenhagen

‘Commissaries of the

Provinces 2 O16 Journalists 41 4 100.0%

‘These are enlightening figures. The reader will note that the Jewish percentage is high at all times, never lower than 76 per cent in any case. (Curiously enough, the lowest percentage of Jews is found in the Commissariat of War.) But in those committees which deal most closely ‘with the mass of the people, as well as in the committees of defense and propaganda, Jews fil

The International Jew, Henry Ford, 1920