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We know that he [John F. Kennedy] was killed by one Lee Harvey. Then came one Jack Ruby (Jewish) and killed Lee Harvey, Kennedy’s killer. […] Then Jack Ruby, the killer of Kennedy’s killer, died in mysterious circumstances before his retrial. Why? Open the files. What I know, and what we were taught in history class, is that Kennedy had decided to hold an inspection of the Israeli Dimona nuclear plant to find out whether there were nuclear bombs there. This is why they got rid of him.

We know that he [John F. Kennedy] was killed by one Lee Harvey. Then came one Jack Ruby (Jewish) and killed Lee Harvey, Kennedy’s killer. […] Then Jack Ruby, the killer of Kennedy’s killer, died in mysterious circumstances before his retrial. Why? Open the files. What I know, and what we were taught in history class, is that Kennedy had decided to hold an inspection of the Israeli Dimona nuclear plant to find out whether there were nuclear bombs there. This is why they got rid of him.

Muammar Gaddafi (ruler of Libya) at the United Nations General Assembly, 2009