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The Germans snatched the infants from their mothers’ arms and used them for balls, bouncing and kicking them around the arena. In a short time the ground was drenched with blood and the stadium was filled with the anguished cries of the women whose children were being murdered before their eyes. I succeeded in escaping that same night, and reached the Red Army lines in August. I learned, however, that many of the Jews who had been forced to witness the massacre became insane while others died of fright.

The Germans snatched the infants from their mothers’ arms and used them for balls, bouncing and kicking them around the arena. In a short time the ground was drenched with blood and the stadium was filled with the anguished cries of the women whose children were being murdered before their eyes. I succeeded in escaping that same night, and reached the Red Army lines in August. I learned, however, that many of the Jews who had been forced to witness the massacre became insane while others died of fright.

Joseph Herman Hertz (Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom) quoting an eyewitness of the Holocaust in “Addresses, Messages, and Papers”, 1943