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Myth Of The Good Jew: Why Gilad Atzmon Is Irrelevant

Good Jews?

This brings us to the good Jew. The idealistic good Jew, in the popular conception, is one who doesn’t openly display bloodthirsty anti-Gentile hatred, publicly shows ‘solidarity’ with the Palestinian and / or other indigenous cause and doesn’t apparently harm living creatures by word or deed.

Thus, it is a great testament to our relentless collective evangelism of these uncomfortable truths that there seems to be a veritable explosion of good Jews sprouting up everywhere. You’re against right-wing fascism? They got Jews for that. Don’t like the soft and whiny left-wing SJWs? They got Jews for that. 9/11 Truth? They got lots of Jews for that like the Loose Change triumvirate, Dylan Avery, Korey Rowe, and Jason Bermas, along with Adam Kokesh and the accessory to the murder of Dan Wallace, Luke Rudkowski. Need an Islamophobic talking point? They got Jews for that. Need someone to save the towel heads from Islamophobia? They got Jews for that too. Hate black people? They got racist Jews for that. Hate white people? They got anti-racist Jews for that also, naturally. This is celebrated as the holy and wholly distinct Jewish tradition of diversity embrace, though arguably, it is more accurately recognized as tribal, Jewish chameleonic deception.

From Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn and Norman Finkelstein before, to Max Blumenthal and Philip Weiss now, Gentiles have been celebrating these ‘brave, honest, good Jews’ as they courageously exposed Israeli crimes already arduously elucidated by affected Gentiles, decades prior, in far more gruesome and explicit detail. In spineless acquiescence to Jewish Chosenness, Gentiles overlook the gatekeeping, limited hangout enclaves these duplicitous Jews have created to police discussion to highlight what they deem “anti-Semitic” and thus by extension, summarily inaccurate.
