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In my experience, Israelites [Jews] never do anything out of good will. They act merely out of selfishness or a desire to show off – and how can they understand a trait in another person that they absolutely lack themselves? The Israelites have some very good traits, which I always acknowledge, but among selfish and inconsiderate people they are the most selfish and inconsiderate. For them it is “self and family” – all others exist only to be fleeced. Perhaps they are right to act thus, but then they shouldn’t be surprised if they are treated as they treat or want to treat others.

In my experience, Israelites [Jews] never do anything out of good will. They act merely out of selfishness or a desire to show off – and how can they understand a trait in another person that they absolutely lack themselves? The Israelites have some very good traits, which I always acknowledge, but among selfish and inconsiderate people they are the most selfish and inconsiderate. For them it is “self and family” – all others exist only to be fleeced. Perhaps they are right to act thus, but then they shouldn’t be surprised if they are treated as they treat or want to treat others.

Alfred Nobel (Swedish inventor) quoted in “Alfred Nobel’s Letters Reveal His anti-Semitic, Chauvinistic Side”, Haartez, 2018 (Nobel is known for inventing dynamite as well as having bequeathed his fortune to establish the Nobel Prize)