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In the summer of 1947, the so-called Stern Gang of Palestine terrorists tried to assassinate Dad by mail. […] Fortunately, the White House mail room was alert to the possibility that such letters might arrive. […] The mail room turned the letters over to the Secret Service and they were defused by their bomb experts. The Secret Service still screens all our mail.

In the summer of 1947, the so-called Stern Gang of Palestine terrorists tried to assassinate Dad by mail. […] Fortunately, the White House mail room was alert to the possibility that such letters might arrive. […] The mail room turned the letters over to the Secret Service and they were defused by their bomb experts. The Secret Service still screens all our mail.

Margaret Truman (President Truman’s daughter) “Harry S. Truman” (biography), 1973 (The Stern Gang was a Jewish terror organization which tried to assassinate Truman over his lack of support for Zionism)