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Everett and a Judge Van Roden, a member of the Simpson Commission, which purportedly investigated the case in Europe last summer, have alleged that the invest , ators did just about everything a human could conceive of doing to another in order to get confessions from the prisoners we had at Schwabisch Hall. They accused us of punching the prisoners in the face with brass knuckles, beating them with rubber hoses, knocking their teeth out, breaking arms and jaws, solitary confinement ( as distinguished from close confinement ) , posturing as priests, withdrawal of blankets in winter, lack of heat, very limited rations, spiritual deprivation , etc., and I quote from a published statement of theirs : “All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases we investigated, had been kicked. in the testicles beyond repair. This was standard operating procedure with American investigators. "

Malmedy Massacre Investigation