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health-related reasons. ‘Dr. Germar Rudolf has provided a detailed account of the deaths based on the Gliicks complete Concentration Camp microfilm records. They house these records in the Russian Central Archives, Central State Archives comprised of #187603, rolls 281-286. " In 1948, the plaque in front of Auschwitz claimed that four million people had died there between 1940 and 1945 Afier the Soviets released the Death Registry records in 1989, Auschwitz officials replaced the plaque with one that stated that 1.5 million had died.

The Toronto Star, of November 26, 1991, reported that lan Kagedan, the director of government relations for B’nai B’rith Canada, said that the Holocaust, which people need “to come to terms with.” ‘must play a key role in the “moral reconstitution of Eastern Europe,” implying the continuing development of multiculturalism, as opposed to nationalism. He claimed that people ignore the lessons of the past and fail to devote sufficient time considering the lessons of the Holocaust. He said that the same kind of hatred that “brought thousands to collaborate with the Nazis in the extermination process,” still matters and that “anti-Semitism is still a problem.” In 1991, President Mikhail Gorbachev referred to Babi Yar in Ukraine, as an early “killing site,” and then mentioned the murder of six million Jews, especially in Poland, “a virtual death factory for millions of Jews.” ‘""

The Ruling Elite Death, Destruction, and Domination By Deanna Spingola · 2014