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The 188th mitzvah is that we are commanded to wipe out — from among all the descendants of Esav [which includes Europeans, Palestinians, etc] — the descendants of Amalek, male and female, young and old. The source of this commandment is G‑d’s statement (exalted be He), “Wipe out the memory of Amalek.” We have mentioned previously the statement of our Sages, “The Jewish people were commanded three mitzvos upon entering the Land of Israel: to appoint a king, to build the Beis HaMikdash, and to destroy the descendants of Amalek.” Waging war against Amalek is also a milchemes mitzvah (obligatory war).

The 188th mitzvah is that we are commanded to wipe out — from among all the descendants of Esav [which includes Europeans, Palestinians, etc] — the descendants of Amalek, male and female, young and old. The source of this commandment is G‑d’s statement (exalted be He), “Wipe out the memory of Amalek.” We have mentioned previously the statement of our Sages, “The Jewish people were commanded three mitzvos upon entering the Land of Israel: to appoint a king, to build the Beis HaMikdash, and to destroy the descendants of Amalek.” Waging war against Amalek is also a milchemes mitzvah (obligatory war).

“Destroying Amalek, Positive Commandment 188” by Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, 2024