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Meet a few of the Jews who played notable roles in Mao’s China.

‘Communist point of view to America

This position earned him a higher salary than Chairman Mao,

Grigori Voitinsky Sidney Rittenberg A Bolshevik Comintern official sent The frst American ctzen admitted into to China in 1920 as a senior advisor ‘@e) to contact prominent Chinese Com- An influential advisor to Mao Zedong Tipe SG ‘who had a pivotal role at the Broadcast the Communist Party of China. ‘Authority, expiaining the Chinese The process of forming the ‘Communist Party of China can be

1893 - 1953 mostly attributed to his influence. 14921 - 2019

Sidney Shapiro ‘An American-born Chinese lawyer, ee Sete ‘tom 1947 otis death in 2014

(One of the very few naturalzed citizens of the PRC: held citizenship from 1963 to Fis death. Elected as a member of a gov femmental assembly of the PRC in 1983, ‘Which provided a forum for input from 1915 - 2014 _non-Communist political organvzations

the Communist Party of China,

Jakob Rosenfeld

‘A Holocaust survivor and urologist who, along with 20,000 other Jewish refugees, fled to China in the 1930s. to escape Nazi repression. Served around China as a surgeon land Minister of Health in the Provi- sional Communist Miltary Govern ment of China, Received a rank ‘equivalent to that of a general

Solomon Adler i Israel Epstein

AUS Treasury representative in China during WWIL Identified as a endear Soviet spy by Soviet defectors in ‘er!

1950; he subsequently resigned

from the Treasury Department.

One of the few foreign-born

1915 - 2005

David Crook

A British-born Communist ideologue, activist, and spy who long resided in China,

Fought in the Spanish Civil War, was recruited by the NKVD, and was sent to China during WWII, Lived in China after WWil and spent most of the remainder of his life there.

Largely based on the articles “A Jew in Mao’s China” by The Jewish Daily Forward and “Mao’s Jews” by The Jewish Journal

sources and more at J@

‘A Polish-born Chinese journalist

Chinese citizens of non-Chinese

Resided in China from the 1960s to origin to become a member of the

his death, working as a translator > “Communist Party of China, and economic advisor.