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A surprising large number of scholars regards the stigma on Jews as the alleged murderers of Christ to be the underlying cause of anti-Semitism. […] In recognition of this danger, as an obligation to truth and because of the need to establish a common groundwork for mutual fellowship in youth first of all, a group of 155 Protestant ministers in the United States last year agreed to revise the text-books now used in Christian Sunday Schools, in order to expunge hatred-inciting, unauthentic and prejudiced accounts of the Jewish roles in the crucifixion. A commission to change these books is now in order.

A surprising large number of scholars regards the stigma on Jews as the alleged murderers of Christ to be the underlying cause of anti-Semitism. […] In recognition of this danger, as an obligation to truth and because of the need to establish a common groundwork for mutual fellowship in youth first of all, a group of 155 Protestant ministers in the United States last year agreed to revise the text-books now used in Christian Sunday Schools, in order to expunge hatred-inciting, unauthentic and prejudiced accounts of the Jewish roles in the crucifixion. A commission to change these books is now in order.

Rabbi Abraham Feinberg in a 1944 speech in Toronto, quoted in “Social Discredit: Anti-Semitism, Social Credit, and the Jewish Response” by Janine Stingel, 2000